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  • The data on this website is accurate as of 19 June 2024. Find the general election results here.
    Parliamentary constituency

    Mid Sussex


    Population: c.98,398
    Closest current constituency: Mid Sussex
    Boundaries have changed for the next election (more info).
    Current MP: Mims DaviesConservative
    Current MP for Mid Sussex.
    Predicted result:
    Based on latest polling data. See: Are polling results accurate?
    Voting Intentions

    Next General Election

    No polling data available
    Top 5 parties by median voting intention. See How It Works to find out more.
    Dotted line = median of polls. Shaded range = minimum and maximum polling prediction.
    Tactical Voting
    Know who you (don't) want in power?
    Find out the tactical vote in your constituency
    Thanks to the UK's first-past-the-post electoral system, if you want to avoid a certain party getting voted in, the tactical vote is to vote for the most popular other party.
    Democratising Health
    Compare NHS GPs by care quality and patient satisfaction
    Across England, 47 million patients have a better-rated GP within 2 miles - based on care quality ratings and patient satisfaction surveys.
    The highest rated GP in Mid Sussex is Meadows Surgery, followed by Mid Sussex Health Care and Newtons Practice.

    Your questions answered