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  • The data on this website is accurate as of 19 June 2024. Find the general election results here.
    Parliamentary constituency

    Glasgow North East


    Population: c.111,000
    Closest current constituency: Glasgow North East
    Boundaries have changed for the next election (more info).
    Current MP: Anne McLaughlinSNP
    Current MP for Glasgow North East.
    Predicted result:
    Based on latest polling data. See: Are polling results accurate?
    Voting Intentions

    Next General Election

    No polling data available
    Top 5 parties by median voting intention. See How It Works to find out more.
    Dotted line = median of polls. Shaded range = minimum and maximum polling prediction.
    Tactical Voting
    Know who you (don't) want in power?
    Find out the tactical vote in your constituency
    Thanks to the UK's first-past-the-post electoral system, if you want to avoid a certain party getting voted in, the tactical vote is to vote for the most popular other party.

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